Sunday, May 15, 2011

Springtime Means...

....moving around and see the awakening of natural creations.

....feeling the warm touch of the sun.

....bird-watching and listening to their sweet symphonies.

....seeing creatures that graze on the grassy fields while traveling.

....going fishing.

....listening to the musical sounds of the rivers that have gotten out of their frozen state and begun flowing blithely across the fields and mountains.

....drinking in the colors and loveliness of the first blooms that paint the fresh earth.

....making fires by the lakesides and riversides, and grilling.

....being awed by the magnificent displays of cloud formations.

....illuminating the night with the sunlight that lingers all night long.

Yes, springtime is a time for the awakening of both the natural world and the inner world of a human being.

And definitely a time for the photoholic to capture every gift of the season.

Most of all, it's another time to thank our Creator for his love and care for us which he expresses through his marvelous works.