Saturday, August 20, 2016

Revisiting Arboretum Norr

One place that's worth visiting every year is a nature reserve in a nearby countryside, just a few minutes drive from our city center.  It's called Arboretum Norr, a place teeming with botanical treasures that draw people whose hearts are inclined toward the world of green. It's also an ideal place for healthful walking, mellowing out and immersing oneself in serenity. 

Hubby and I visit this place almost  every year, in spring and summer, and explore the flourishing foliage and the gradual blossoming of the blooming trees and bushes. In fact, I've written a blog or two about this place some years back, so I don't need to say another word about it. I'm just going to photo-journal how things look like here on this year's visit. I'm compiling together some pictures I took in spring and summer.

The spring beauties....

The wonder of trees....

Sections of the river where the water  merrily cascaded and capered over the rocks....

The roses and other summer flowers....

The vibrant leaves....

Hammocks in the woods, by the river...

The trails we trod...

The colorful winged creatures that I managed to capture....

The meadowsweet herbs in full bloom....

Other scenes in the area....

Fruitful shrubs....

I've actually hoarded hundreds of pictures of the things that delighted my eyes during our walks there, but I would definitely bore my readers/viewers if I'd post more than these, which is already too much. So these are enough to serve as a reminiscence of this year's visit to this refreshing world of green.

"He will be like a tree planted by streams of water,
A tree that produces fruit in its season,
The foliage of which does not wither.
And everything he does will succeed."
- Psalm 1:3


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