Saturday, April 29, 2017

April Snow and Sunshine Too

Amid the spring, the snow still keeps falling. Just as when the blanket of snow started to melt away and evaporate in the warmth of the spring sun, new layers are being piled over it, which nevertheless melt quickly.

On some days, the snowfall occurs in the morning and is replaced later with sunshine, and vice versa.

There are days too when large snow clusters fall while the sun is shining radiantly.

Of course, many days are sunny and the blue sky adorned with beautiful clouds, sun halos and sundogs.

These days, the birds are coming back from their long vacation in the south. It's thrilling to watch them fly overhead and laze in the open fields and on the water. Yes, it's high time for bird-watching!

The popping spring bulbs are often awash with fresh snow.

The snowfall looks enchanting against a backdrop of the blazing colors of sunset.

As this month draws to its end, snow still falls occasionally but doesn't stay long on the ground despite the thickness, and at times melts just as soon as they touch any surface.

The darkness of the night is being driven out by the glow of the sun. This means that our aurora watching and stargazing are coming to a pause for some months until late August again. Here's a photo of an aurora and the sunlight over the horizon at past midnight vying for domination over the sky. The aurora was supposed to be strong but it was diffused by the sunlight, and this is probably the last aurora visible in our place this season.

Amidst the sunshine and the snowfall comes the waiting for the botanical world to fully awaken and eventually flourish. 

And the wait won't take long from now.


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