Thursday, October 17, 2013


The anticipated snowfall forecasted for today has finally come. This makes it the second snowfall this season. It started a few minutes before 10:00 a.m.

Actually, we're still in autumn. Some trees still keep their thick yellow foliage while others haven't completely turned yellow yet. So this is just an autumn snowfall, though temperature starts to drop below zero.

The past days have been full of sunshine, making it delightful to walk around and feed one's soul with all the fantastic colors and to preserve all this beauty with a camera.

When I came home yesterday, a certain light over the parking shelter caught my eyes. It was a halo around the setting sun!

At night, the moon tried to illuminate the hazy sky until snow clouds thickened to obscure it.

It's a joy to welcome the snow once again and see it together with the warm-colored foliage.

As I'm concluding this, the snowfall is slowing down as the sun is coming out brightly, warm enough to melt the snow that has fallen.

May you all have a wonderful day!