Thursday, September 12, 2013

By the Lakes of Storuman

Two days after our small grill party with the boss, we set off to a place frequented by anglers and berry-pickers, named Storuman, 231 km northwest of Umeå, about 3 hours ride by car. Actually, it's my second time to visit the place on purpose. This time, we traveled by caravan - a volvo combi conveying Mikael and Raquel, and a volvo sedan with hubby and me, same group that went to Ö-vik.

We started out after lunch of July 25. We dropped by Lycksele to buy some grocery and eat our sandwiches before driving non-stop across vast spaces of evergreen forests  and lakes toward our destination.

We arrived in the late afternoon, with fine weather awaiting us.  We headed straight to the same camping site where we stayed last time, and set up our tents, probably my first and last time to sleep in tent this year. 

At the close of the day before going to sleep, we stood along the banks of the lake for a few moments to watch the gentle ripples on the serene water gilded by the glow of the moonrise. 

The following day, we walked down the lake, which was just a few strides from our tents, borrowed a couple of boats and rowed across to check if we could catch a fish. It looked like the fish were not hungry at all since they didn't care about the "foods" we  cast them. But that's okay, at least, we enjoyed the relaxing boat ride.

After lunch, we tried another lake which was not so far from the camping site. Here, we caught a few small char fishes , which became our tasty dinner that evening. The rain poured while we were in the middle of the lake, after which came the rainbow.

I also picked blueberries while waiting for our companions to come ashore. Obviously, others had already picked ahead, so I just gleaned their leftovers.

Another night set in, tranquil and reposeful.

I captured the blazing sky,

...the moonrise,

...and a couple of toads.

Then we retired to our tents and spent our second night in sweet sleep.

I was awakened by the pounding of the rain on our tent. The sound lulled me back to sleep even though it was already high time to be up and about. When the rain stopped, we all crawled out of our tents, made coffee and ate our late  breakfast. 

This was our last day here, but before we checked out of the camping site, we went to the lake one last time to catch fish. This time, Hubby and Mikael shared one boat while Raquel and I took another. The two men were out to catch fish while we girls aimed at picking berries from the slope at the other side of the lake.

Hubby caught one medium-sized charfish, which was all they got. I also filled half of my bucket with blueberries. I could pick much more since the whole hillside was blanketed with blueberry bushes loaded with ripe sweet berries, but it was quite hard to carry a full bucket and walk over the moss-covered boulders with hidden hallows along the banks of the lake. So I contented myself with the half bucket.

While waiting for my companion to come down, I took my time to shoot some little things that pleased my eyes.

The rain came when we started to row back to the other side, and the waves were quite alarming. Hubby told us before to wait for a motor boat to fetch us, but we said, no need, we could make it. When we reached the middle of the lake, a rainbow appeared as the clouds began to part.

Having packed our things, we set off for home, carrying with us (or me, for sure) another precious memory of an entirely relaxing weekend sprinkled with simple pleasures that nourished my soul.